(enter the jester)
Jester: So, that's how it ends! One bit of no fun and no humor, some stomacache in the tumor. Is it his liver dead from drinking? It's all there: acid, sour and no fun, him, the usual day!
Ah, but so, a thousand no! There comes our hero. Dirty, coward, heretic, his blood droping in the land. Get up. Get up, oh bastard. Pretend you are human. But see him all, come and see what a patetic one, hold the empty matchbox in one hand and the cigarrette in his mouth, waiting for fire. Unsmokeble cigarrette, but there he is, the hero, the drunk, the insane, staring the air and trying to smoke it without fire.
The bottle of whisky. Of course, there couldn't be anything less, an empty bottle as a scene effect in the other hero's hand. Both hands are full now, the whisky and the matchbox, they make a nice couple, no doubt. Both are empty, like the head and the eyes of the protagonist.
Perhaps we should open it. Yes, I'll do it, I'll fetch an axe and tear his skull in two parts. Oh, what a terror, what a boring experience to see him this way, still, half-dead as he is more than one hour. Perhaps he dreams of whores... in this case would be wise to send the public away before opening his skull, as such toughts would amaze the old ladies and would stain the hero's image. No, no, nothing like that, it is certainly some school girl friend of his showing the first signs of sexuality to the world. Yes, I noticed a drop of saliva falling from his lips. There got to be it, a school girl or some young teacher whose tight pants made our hero sweat and dream during the class.
Look! Look! Look everybody! He moves.He just moved his head slowly to the right side, didn't you see? I bet he will start moving slowly his head or his right hand, that hold the matchbox. At least he is not masturbating. Or perhaps is it this that he intends? Masturbate in front of the public untill the police arrest him or become hit again by the the crowd in the pub from wich he has just been thrown away? It is a decision, that's it. Our hero is certainly trying to make a decision. Is it abou women or drinking? If it is any of them it is waste of time, he will never make any decision in life when one of these two matters be involved.
You do not believe me? Look, lokk. Another drop is falling to the floor, look as he will never be able to make any decision in past or future, and that's why he will always be around with drinking and women. The difference is: women will move out of his life and the booze will carry on, whatever and whenever he is.
Oh, gimme the axe. I'll will finish this torture once for all. This is repugnant to the human condition.